Jul 7, 2013


Hello my dear ones, 

Ages ago (Getting lazy on the computer front, oopsie!), in Malaysia I met up with former GRSPs (Georgia Rotary Student Program) in Kuala Lumpur! David from Scotland and Nisa from KL. It is awesome how a few connections result in such great adventures and tons of new friends. Nisa and her boo Leon took us foreigners around their city to the most amazing dine and wine experiences. Places I would never have found myself as an outsider. Malaysian food is amazing, and they know how to appreciate it here. The most remote, simple looking restaurants with simple red plastic chairs and tables can have massive queues of locals waiting to dine and engage in table wars as they are renowned for various local specialities. Even after a night out we'd sit on our red stools in narrow streets, among the locals, eating all kinds of deliciousness wrapped up in banana leaves. I just love food.

In KL it's quite interesting to see the mix of modern city with ancient traditions. Saris, miniskirts and hijabs side by side. I absolutely loved KL, it is a big melting pot of ethnicities, with the food, culture and fashion that comes along with it. For instance, one night began with a pub quiz at an Irish bar and ended with Bollywood dancing with the punjabis. Now, that's a good night.  

Different cultures have their own areas where they are more prominent though, as I was to discover one day... Starving and on the verge of misery I stormed into the first restaurant I saw to grab some lunch. As I grabbed a plate and topped it up with tikka masala, I realised the busy restaurant had gone quiet. I turned around and froze realising it was quiet because of me. Thirty Indians stared intensly at me as if I had two heads. I looked somewhat misplaced? No kidding. The silence went on for what felt like a decade. I nervously went on to order a very traditional local drink that Nisa and Leon had introduced me to, and everyone audibly relaxed and laughed. Ahh, rejoice. Accepted after all. 

One brilliant week, a lot of new friends and a lot of new clothes (woopsie) later, a group of the KL peeps and I took a roadtrip down to the heritage city Melaka. We ate fantastic naan, played drinking games in Chinese and walked around in the city tasting Malay treats from the food stands. I had such a great time, thanks to the oh so hospitable Malays! Beauties. 

More travelling tales to come soon!  

Lots of love,  

Merete // Mellie 

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